
January 4, 2023

How Do Startup Work?

Whether you are thinking about starting a business or you are already involved in a startup, you may be wondering how it works. This article offers a few tips on how a startup goes from an idea to reality. You can learn how to raise funds, hire key personnel, create a business model, and plan […]

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December 13, 2022

Getting Started With a Start-Up

Getting started with a start-up can be exciting, but it can also be a little confusing. You may have heard terms such as “incubator,” “founder,” and “investor,” but you may not know exactly what they mean. Another option is to find an incubator program that matches start-ups with mentors and tools. Some incubator programs provide […]

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International Business Masters
November 24, 2022

What Jobs Can You Get With an International Business Masters?

Getting an international business Master’s degree is a great way to get a well-paid, high-ranking job. You can take on many different roles, and the job market for these jobs is growing. Accounting and finance roles Whether you’re looking to make your mark in international business or are interested in gaining the skills to succeed […]

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November 3, 2022

Highest Paying Jobs in International Business

The highest-paid position in international business is that of chief executive officer (CEO). This executive has supreme decision-making authority and oversees all operations of a company. They are often discernible figures. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), chief executives make an average yearly salary of $185,850. However, large international companies can pay millions […]

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October 23, 2022

What Does an International Business Development Manager Do?

International business development managers are responsible for the effective implementation of the company’s international business strategy. They develop individual business plans for each country and coordinate activities that increase sales. Business strategies and improve them. They participate in fortnightly conferences and coordinate with the company’s management team. Duties of an international business development manager As […]

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Duncan Wyse
October 2, 2022

Is Business Development a Good Career?

As the job title suggests, business development is a wide-ranging field. The skills needed for success are diverse, with many relevant courses and apprenticeships. A business development professional may choose to work for several different employers, switching between smaller enterprises and larger organizations. However, there are disadvantages to this career as well. Skills required for […]

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Duncan Wyse
September 13, 2022

The 5 Stages of Business Development

There are five stages of business development. They are start-up, growth, establishment, and expansion. Each step focuses on a strategy that helps a business achieve its goals. Some methods work better for a small business than others. Some strategies can scale while others won’t. Start-up Start-up business development is a critical element of the start-up […]

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What Is the Role of International Business Development _ Duncan Wyse
August 2, 2022

What Is the Role of International Business Development?

International businesses need to understand the competitive environment in which they operate. This article discusses the factors that can affect your business and how these factors can be addressed to gain a competitive advantage. We also look at the importance of strong interpersonal skills and building intercultural relationships. This article explores these aspects and more. […]

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